Feel better and make lasting change.
Online therapy in the San Francisco Bay Area and throughout California.
There is a path forward.
But you might not have a map.
Society doesn't give us much education about mental health.
Without adequate information or tools, it might be hard to know what to do when you're having a hard time.
With therapy, you'll get compassion for life's challenges and a roadmap for feeling better.
I offer active and collaborative therapy for real change.
I use a modern approach that combines:
the depth and warmth of psychology
the practicality of neuroscience
the presence of mindfulness
and the spirit of transformation
Here’s the process
(This is a rough outline, we’ll tailor it to your needs.)
Compassion and acceptance
First and foremost, I'll offer you understanding and acceptance for whatever you're going through. I genuinely believe that whatever you’re struggling with isn’t your fault.
Clarifying what you want from therapy
Where do you feel stuck? How would you like your life to be different?
Identifying patterns and behaviors that keep you stuck
Unlike regular talk therapy, this isn't just an analysis of what's not working. Instead, I'll compassionately help you notice specific patterns, beliefs, and actions that keep you stuck.
Healing root causes from the past
If needed, we'll explore how the past affects your life today. But we won't just rehash the past. Instead, we'll do things that rewire your brain - updating old beliefs and automatic responses - giving you more freedom from the past.
Learning new information
Knowledge is power! I'll give you info from psychology and neuroscience to help you understand what's happening inside yourself. Sometimes I offer diagrams that make abstract psychology concepts more tangible. Many people find this information empowering and de-shaming.
Practicing new tools and responses
You'll learn new skills and tools during your therapy sessions, which you can use daily.
When you can respond to things differently, you’ll start to feel better, and your life will change.
Therapy with me could be right for you if you want a therapist who is actively engaged, and offers tools, education, and feedback.
Therapy with me might not be right for you if you just want a place to vent about your week, and prefer a therapist who doesn’t say much.
How could therapy improve your life?
Although therapy isn’t a magic pill, and results aren’t guaranteed, the benefits could include:
Improve your mood - Feel less anxiety, worry, or depression. Feel more ease, contentment, and joy.
Enjoy your job - Reduce procrastination, imposter syndrome, and stress. Feel confident, take breaks, and enjoy your evenings and weekends.
Like yourself more - Turn down the volume on self-criticism or self-hate. Turn up the volume on self-compassion.
Create healthy relationships - Reduce conflict and disconnection, change old patterns, and learn new communication skills.
Navigate life changes - More easily make an important decision, manage the stress of big changes, or get through grief and loss.
Heal from your past - Understand where your triggers and vulnerabilities come from, what you need, and how to interrupt the cycle of reliving the past.
Experience more meaning, purpose, and vitality - Know yourself on the deepest level and transform your life.
Feel confident about the future - Leave therapy knowing you can handle life’s ups and downs.
“I’m finally making real change!”
“In other therapy, we talked about a new topic every week. As a result, I didn't get traction between sessions and couldn't implement changes in my daily life. This is the most action-oriented therapy I've had. I appreciate that you keep a thread going from session to session.”
- A representative compilation of my clients' words, edited for confidentiality.

Therapy Specialties
Work stress
Relationships and dating
Big life changes
Grief and loss
Shame and self-esteem
Perfectionism and inner critic
Emotional awareness
Childhood trauma
Recovery from narcissistic abuse
Spirituality and psychedelic integration

“I wake up looking forward to the day instead of dreading it.”
“I doubted whether therapy would work, and was guarded about opening up. But you’ve given me empathy for being stuck, and tools for becoming unstuck. Now my thoughts and feelings are less confusing, and I know how to feel better. I feel like the protagonist of my life. ”
- A representative compilation of my clients' words, edited for confidentiality.
Get expert help and feel better sooner.