In addition to a Master's in Counseling Psychology, I have extra training in several types of therapy. The info below might not mean much if you're new to psychotherapy. I'm happy to answer any questions!
Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy
This type of therapy is:
Accelerated - Feel better sooner than later.
Experiential - We won't just analyze things. You'll experience shifts during your sessions.
Relational - I'll be a real person, not a blank slate.
Emotion-focused - You’ll learn ways to understand your emotions, and use them as a GPS for knowing what you want and need.
Somatic - Life doesn't just happen in our heads. I'll support you to gently tune into what your body tells you.
This approach is ideal for creating deep and lasting change.
I'm an advanced practitioner of AEDP.
AEDP has been proven effective in clinical trials.
Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy
This therapy concentrates on creating change faster than regular talk therapy. It is direct and focused.
This type of therapy helps people see how they get stuck, so that they can get unstuck.
Internal Family Systems
We all have different aspects, or parts, of ourselves. For example, one part says to watch another Netflix, while another says it's time for bed. One part says stay, while another says go. Some parts are all alone with painful feelings from the past.
This approach is good for reducing internal debate, finding inner harmony, and responding to yourself more kindly.
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)
This therapy is about understanding and changing relationship patterns.
It's effective at helping people build secure attachment (feeling more secure in relationships).
EFT has been proven effective in clinical trials.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
CBT focuses on how thoughts and behaviors influence our mood.
CBT includes many practical tools for feeling better.
CBT has been proven effective in clinical trials.
I offer trauma-informed therapy based on polyvagal theory, neuroscience, and how traumatic memories lead to emotional flashbacks. AEDP, IFS, and EFT are all trauma-informed types of therapy. I also draw on the work of Janina Fisher, Pete Walker, and Carolyn Spring.
Mindfulness and self-compassion - I've done over a decade of practice in Zen and Tibetan (Shambhala) Buddhism, including in-depth study with Zen teacher Cheri Huber. Over the years, I've spent six months in silent meditation retreat. I respect the values of all my clients and only integrate spirituality if it's meaningful to them.
Psychedelic healing - I've worked with psychedelic medicines for my own psychological and spiritual healing, including an intensive retreat in the Peruvian Amazon with an indigenous healer. I offer a safe space for integrating your experiences with altered states of consciousness.
Creativity - I have personal practices in dance and painting, and know that creative expression can be a powerful form of healing.
Nature - I’m a big believer in the healing power of nature!
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